Monday, November 18, 2019

CCTV Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

CCTV - Research Paper Example es will be analyzed, such as whether hidden CCTV cameras reduce security breaches based on people’s perception, the specific perceptions these people have with regards to the importance of CCTV to security, reactions of these people when in establishments that have CCTV cameras, their level of confidence regarding their security in these places, and how their attitudes have changed since the introduction of CCTV. This research report will seek to show that CCTV systems increase productivity in terms of controlling security breaches, as well as providing psychological benefits to civilians by allowing them to feel secure in places with CCTV. While CCTV systems are not physical barriers that limit access to some places or make it more difficult to commit a crime, it is a highly situational crime prevention tool (Guagnin 89). In the right situations, most people believe that they have some capacity to reduce security breaches. Although the CCTV is multi-functional, its primary utility is to arouse in the potential offender a perceptual mechanism. The perception of the offender can be changed so that if he/she commits a crime, he believes that he will be traced down. In other words, there is evidence that the majority of civilians believe that CCTV can increase the potential offender’s perceived capture risk. Assuming that the offender is behaving in a rational manner, this may de-motivate them. However, most people believe that in order for CCTV to reduce security breaches, the offender needs to be aware that there is a camera in the vicinity and that the offender needs to believe that the presence of the cameras a re enough of a risk to negate any rewards for the crime they intend to carry out (Guagnin 90). Most people interviewed did not believe that hidden cameras were any deterrent to the offenders to reduce security breaches. In fact, evidence is suggestive of the fact that, even with the installation of cameras, there is no guarantee that people will be

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